Quelques jours après avoir recommandé aux sénateurs démocrates de voter contre le projet de loi sur la réforme du système de santé, l'ancien gouverneur du Vermont Howard Dean a déclaré ce matin sur NBC que les changements apportés au texte au cours des dernières semaines justifiaient son adoption, même si d'autres modifications sont nécessaires. Je publie dans le texte un extrait de son entrevue suivi d'un clip :

Well, let's start with the positive things. Over the last week, there were things that were improved. There were some cost containment mechanisms that were gutted. They got restored. I would certainly not vote for this bill if this were the final product, but there are, the House bill is quite a good bill. This bill has improved over the last couple of weeks, I would let this thing go to conference committee and let's see if we can fix it some more...so there are a lot of things that need to be fixed, but if they are fixed you may actually get the foundation of a bill, coming out of the House. If most of the House provisions survive, then we can have a bill that we could work with....I hope this isn't the compromise that's been achieved. I think we have yet to see the compromise that we could achieve.