Quel avenir pour les protestataires iraniens? Le quotidien français Libération tente de répondre à cette question dans cet article, évoquant notamment l'hypothèse d'une grève générale pour contester les résultats de la présidentielle du 12 juin. La paralysie de l'économie iranienne semble en effet faire partie de la nouvelle stratégie de Mir Hossein Moussavi, le candidat déçu du camp réformateur. Il a demandé à ses partisans, d'un bout à l'autre de l'Iran, de se rendre aujourd'hui dans les bazars, piliers de l'économie et de la contestation politique. Je cite une traduction anglaise du message qu'il a adressé aujourd'hui aux protestataires iraniens :

In the name of God

We will not waste our energy, but act efficiently. We have conveyed our words to the coup-makers to the world in the streets. Now we need to change our strategy.

From this Tuesday, at 9 every morning we will all go to the bazaar in our towns all over the country. If they prevent us, the bazaar will close. If they do not, there will be such congestion that the business will get interrupted and the bazaar will close. If they disconnect the telephone lines, again all activities will get interrupted and the bazaar will close. As much as possible, we will shut down the whole town and go to the bazaar to shut it down.

Take everyone with you. Bring the children, too -without any slogans-without green signs-without sit-ins; pretending to go shopping but not buying anything. We will only think of shutting down the bazaar, but do not leave any traces, not even a victory sign by our hands. NOT AT ALL.

We will only think of victory. Bring the children, all the towns of Iran, without slogans, without slogans, without slogans, quietly, quietly, quietly, without greens, without sit-ins, without fighting. If anyone starts quarrels or shouts, we will not join because we pretend to be going shopping. There is no need to fear, and everyone will come. No fights, no bloodshed, no slogans, no sit-ins. If they prevent us, we simply return because we mean to shut down the bazaar, not to assemble. If they shoot tear gas, the bazaar will close.

(Photo AP)