Herman Cain, le favori actuel des primaires républicaines selon certains sondages, blaguait samedi soir lorsqu'il a proposé de construire le long de la frontière mexico-américaine une clotûre électrifiée qui pourrait électrocuter et tuer les immigrants illégaux. Il a fait cette mise au point ce matin lors d'une interview accordée à l'émission Meet the Press (à partir de 19:43) :

Je cite dans le texte un extrait d'un reportage du New York Times sur la «blague» de Cain :

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Saturday that part of his immigration policy would be to build an electrified fence on the country's border with Mexico that could kill people trying to enter the country illegally.

The remarks, which came at two campaign rallies in Tennessee as part of a barnstorming bus tour across the state, drew loud cheers from crowds of several hundred people at each rally. At the second stop, in Harriman, Tenn., Mr. Cain added that he also would consider using military troops "with real guns and real bullets" on the border to stop illegal immigration.