D'oh, Canada! Telle est l'amorce du texte de l'Associated Press sur la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux de Vancouver, qui s'est déroulée sans accroc, exception faite d'un petit détail à la fin... Le New York Times vient de publier sur son site cette critique de la cérémonie. J'en cite un extrait dans le texte :

The ceremony was long, a little dull at times, but it was also thoughtful and stirring. It was authentically and unabashedly Canadian. The poet Shane Koyczan pointed out that his was a country not afraid to use the words "please and thank you." You could add that it's a country unafraid to put a poet up there on the stage in the first place.

There weren't many surprises. Nelly Furtado and Bryan Adams - you could have guessed them in advance. Ditto Sarah McLachlan. K. D. Lang singing Leonard Cohen was a nice touch, but where was Leonard himself? In the parade of famous Canadian icons, he was the one notable absence.

(Photo AP)