WikiLeaks vient de publier un câble diplomatique daté du 3 janvier 2003 et émanant du consulat des États-Unis à Montréal sur la secte des raëliens, qui faisait alors parler d'elle après avoir promis des preuves de la naissance du soi-disant premier clone humain. Je cite un extrait de la note confidentielle dans le texte :

Althoug the sect is based in Montreal - and not Switzerland as the British tabloid press has reported - Rael moved his peronal headquarters to Florida in the early nineties. When it was announced Rael was moving to Florida, radio commentators joked he was simply imitating Quebec snowbirds or that he wanted to get closer to Nascar circuits. However, some saw U.S. expansion as a logical business move. On the one had, since the 1960s, Quebec has proven to be tough recruiting grounds for all religious groups, mainstream or otherwise. On the other, the U.S. offers much bigger pools of money and target audiences for Raelian commerical enterprises. Because the group is recognized as an atheist religious organization by the Quebec government it enjoys the same fiscal advantages as other religious groups.