Newt Gingrich est parti pour la gloire. Interviewé sur Fox News, la nouvelle coqueluche des républicains a défendu sa déclaration controversée sur les lois «stupides» contre le travail des enfants en déclarant que les enfants nés dans un milieu pauvre ne sont pas habitués au travail, à moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'une activité criminelle. Je le cite dans le texte pour ne rien perdre de sa pensée :

"Really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday. They have no habit of staying all day, they have no habit of I do this and you give me cash unless it is illegal."

Je cite aussi dans le texte la réaction dégoûtée de Jonathan Capehart du Washington Post :

A lot can be said about the plight of families unlucky enough not to make $60,000 for a half-hour of bloviation or about their equally unlucky children who are deprived delightful cruises through the Greek isles. But Gingrich's blanket condemnation of "really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods" is unbelievably disgusting. And it's disrespectful of the overwhelming majority of those children and their families who live their lives with far more integrity and far less cash than Gingrich ever will.