Vous vous doutez peut-être de ce qui lui est arrivé : George Alan Rekers, co-fondateur avec James Dobson de l'organisme chrétien Family Research Council et leader du mouvement anti-gai, a été surpris à son retour d'Europe en compagnie d'un jeune prostitué appelé «Lucien» avec lequel il se défend d'avoir eu une relation sexuelle. Je cite des extraits d'un article de TPM à ce sujet en invitant un de nos collaborateurs à le traduire :

"I had surgery," Rekers told the Miami New Times, which broke the story yesterday, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." (...)

When first confronted with a photo of the two together after returning from a trip in April, Rekers said he simply didn't know what "Lucien" had really been advertising until halfway through their trip. Both men told the New Times that they didn't have sex.

But he later told another blogger that he was simply trying to save his friend by "lovingly" sharing the message of Jesus, as he had done with other "sexual sinners."