L'ex-gouverneur républicain d'Arkansas Mike Huckabee a estimé hier soir sur Fox News que la victoire républicaine au Massachusetts mardi améliore les chances de Barack Obama d'être réélu en 2012. Je publie un extrait de sa déclaration dans le texte suivi d'un clip :

I want to be careful to not let Republicans get a little too giddy about this. Here's the fact. I think that this was the beginning of the end of the Democratic domination of Congress. But let me go out on a limb tonight, Greta, and tell you that this is probably the beginning of the reelection of Barack Obama because he's going to have to make course corrections that will likely put him in a much better position in his reelection bid than he would have been had he continued on this Pelosi/Reid-led disastrous trip off the cliff.