Vous vous souvenez de la sortie de James Carville contre Barack Obama au 37e jour de la marée noire dans le golfe du Mexique? Man, we're dying down here...

Eh bien, après le colmatage du puits maudit, l'ex-stratège de Bill Clinton adopte un ton fort différent dans ce texte publié sur le site de CNN où il affirme qu'«Obama a bien joué ses cartes» contre BP. C'est ce qu'on appelle manger sa casquette avec une certaine élégance. Je cite deux extraits de l'article du Rajin' Cajun dans le texte :

My mother, Ms. Nippy Carville, was a woman of many talents. Two in particular stand out. She was a superb cook (the author of a successful cookbook), and she was an excellent bridge player.

She always cautioned me that it was important that one "review the bidding" before the play. Now that it's becoming apparent that the efforts to cap the well at Deepwater Horizon are going to be successful, we should pause and pay homage to Ms. Nippy's advice by reviewing the bidding.(...)

I don't know many people -- and no Democrats -- who were as tough on the Obama administration as I was when the oil started gushing.

But for now I'll take Mississippi governor -- and chairman of the Republican Governors' Association -- Haley Barbour saying President Obama has "done more right than wrong." In fact, I'll up Gov. Barbour's bid one and say that as of late, President Obama has done a lot more right than wrong.