Selon toute probabilité, Sarah Palin n'est pas la mère de Trig Palin mais sa grand-mère. En conséquence, les médias américains ont lamentablement failli à leur devoir en refusant de faire la lumière sur ce qui serait une des plus grandes arnaques de l'histoire politique américaine. C'est du moins ce qu'affirme un universitaire du Kentucky dans une étude exhaustive sur le sujet que résume Henry Blodget dans cet article.

Je cite dans le texte quelques éléments de la théorie du professeur Brad Scharlott :

The suspicions started with the story the Palins told about how Sarah Palin and her husband behaved after she went into labor while on a trip to Texas. Namely, they took a 20-hour trip home.

The press release Palin put out announcing Trig's birth did not say where the birth took place. The hospital where Trig was supposedly born did not list him as being among the babies born that day.

After Palin supposedly went into labor in Texas, her husband Todd did not mention this to her aides. Flight attendants on the way home did not notice that Palin seemed pregnant.

When Palin returned to work three days later, she seemed unsure about the timing of her water breaking. In her later book, she implied she went into labor at 4AM in the morning-and then stayed in Texas long enough to give her speech before beginning her 20-hour trip home.

The hospital where Trig was supposedly born lacks pre-natal intensive care, which made it a "less-than-ideal" place to deliver a child with Down syndrome. Palin was close to several hospitals in Texas and Anchorage that did have these facilities.