«Ne tirez pas!» répète Rekeyia Scott, femme de Keith Lamont Scott, en filmant avec un téléphone portable l'intervention des policiers de Charlotte qui a mené à la mort de son mari mardi après-midi. «Il n'est pas armé. Ne tirez pas», dit-elle encore avant de prier Scott de sortir de son véhicule.

Pendant que la femme de Scott filme la scène, un policier dit à plusieurs reprises à Keith Lamont Scott : «Laisse tomber l'arme». La vidéo ne permet pas de voir Scott ou le policier qui ouvre le feu sur lui. «Fuck! Lui avez-vous tiré dessus?» demande Rekeyia Scott après avoir entendu des coups de feu. «Lui avez-vous tiré dessus? Il est mieux d'être encore vivant.»

Avertissement : la vidéo ci-dessous, remise à des journalistes par les avocats de la famille de Scott, contient des images troublantes.

Le New York Times publie une retranscription des propos entendues dans la vidéo. Je les cite dans le texte :

OFFICER: Hands up!

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Don't shoot him. Don't shoot him. He has no weapon. He has no weapon. Don't shoot him.

OFFICER: Don't shoot. Drop the gun. Drop the fucking gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Don't shoot him. Don't shoot him.

OFFICER: Drop the gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He didn't do anything.

OFFICER: Drop the gun. Drop the gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He doesn't have a gun. He has a T.B.I. (Traumatic Brain Injury).

OFFICER: Drop the gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He is not going to do anything to you guys.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He just took his medicine.

OFFICER: Drop the gun. Let me get a fucking baton over here. [muffled]

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Keith, don't let them break the windows. Come on out the car.

OFFICER: [muffled]

OFFICER:Drop the gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Keith! Don't you do it.

OFFICER: Drop the gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Keith, get out the car. Keith! Keith! Don't you do it! Don't you do it! Keith!

OFFICER: Drop the gun.

RAKEYIA SCOTT:Keith! Keith! Keith! Don't you do it! [SHOTS]

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Fuck. Did you shoot him? Did you shoot him? Did you shoot him? He better not be fucking dead. He better not be fucking dead. I know that fucking much. I know that much. He better not be dead. I'm not going to come near you. I'm going to record, though. I'm not coming near you. I'm going to record, though. He better be alive because ...I come You better be alive. How about that? Yes, we here, over here at 50 ... 50 ...9453 Lexington Court. These are the police officers that shot my husband, and he better live. He better live. Because he didn't do nothing to them.

OFFICER: Is everybody good? Are you good?

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He good. Nobody ... touch nobody, so they're all good.

OFFICER: You good?

RAKEYIA SCOTT: I know he better live. I know he better live. How about that I'm not coming to you guys, but he'd better live. He better live. You all hear it, you see this, right? He better live.

OFFICER: [muffled]

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He better live. I swear, he better live. Yep, he better live. He better fucking live. He better live. Where is...He better fucking live, and I can't even leave the damn...I ain't going nowhere. I'm staying in the same damn spot. What the fuck. That's O.K. did you all call the police? I mean, did you all call an ambulance?