Le journaliste Joe Klein a débattu la question hier avec John McCain, reprochant au sénateur de l'Arizona de laisser entendre que la bonne réponse est Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plutôt qu'Ali Khamenei (voir vidéo ci-dessus), Je cite dans le texte une partie de l'échange :

KLEIN: According to most diplomatic experts, the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is the guy who's in charge of Iranian foreign policy and also in charge of the nuclear program, but you never mention him. Do you, you know, um, why do you always keep talking about Ahmadinejad since he doesn't have power in that, in that realm?

MCCAIN: I respectfully disagree. When he's the person that comes to the United Nations and declares his country's policy is the extermination of the state of Israel, quote, in his words, wipe them off of the map, then I know that he is speaking for the Iranian government and articulating their policy and he was elected and is running for reelection as the leader of that country.

John McCain induit-il en erreur les Américains par dessein ou par ignorance ?