L'animateur de MSNBC a trouvé le discours du président tellement bon qu'il a oublié pendant une heure que celui-ci était Noir. Pauvre Chris, il devra encore s'excuser. Je cite sa déclaration dans le texte suivie d'un clip :

You know, I was trying to think about who he was tonight, and it's interesting: He is post-racial by all appearances. You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour. You know, he's gone a long way to become a leader of this country and passed so much history in just a year or two. I mean, it's something we don't even think about.

I was watching, I said, Wait a minute, he's an African-American guy in front of a bunch of other white people. And here he is President of the United States and we've completely forgotten that tonight - completely forgotten it. I think it was in the scope of his discussion. It was so broad-ranging, so in tune with so many problems, of aspects, and aspects of American life that you don't think terms of the old tribalism, the old ethnicity. It was astounding in that regard - a very subtle fact. It's so hard to even talk about; maybe I shouldn't talk about it, but I am.