Non, répond Rick Barber, candidat à la Chambre des représentants dans une circonscription d'Alabama. Vous pouvez vous faire votre propre opinion en jetant un coup d'oeil à la pub ci-dessus, dans laquelle Barber, un fier militant du mouvement Tea Party, appelle certainement à l'impeachment de Barack Obama et dénonce le fisc américain, avant de laisser le dernier mot à un Père fondateur des États-Unis. Je publie la transcription de l'annonce dans le texte :

Barber: "...And I would impeach him, and if that's not enough--some of you men owned taverns. Sam, you were a brewer, Mr. President a distiller. You know how tough it is to run a small business without a tyrannical government on your back.

"Today, we have an Internal Revenue Service that enforces what they call 'a progressive income tax.' You'll love this: Every year, if not every quarter, we're basically required to spy on ourselves -- report what he earn, who we hire and fire with an all-powerful separate court system. Without representation, they can increase taxes, impose costly regulation or conduct malicious audits.

"Now this same IRS is going to force us to by health insurance. Cram it down our throats, or else. Now I took a took an oath to defend that with my life [points at copy of Constitution] and I can't stand by while these evils are perpetrated.

"You gentlemen revolted over a tea tax. A tea tax. Now look at us! Are you with me?"

Founding Father: "Gather your armies."