Le St. Petersburg Times a recueilli des réactions d'élèves qui ont écouté ce midi le discours de Barack Obama. Je cite dans le texte un extrait de la déclaration de Rachel Lubitz, 17 ans :

Obama was also able to make the right wing news media whine and moan on for weeks and weeks about a speech about staying in school and succeeding. He made them look like overreacting schoolgirls jealous of the cheerleader with the quarterback boyfriend, and anyone who can do that has a friend in me.

Et un extrait de la déclaration (sarcastique) de Justin Jones, 16 ans :

Obama's speech was just dripping with socialist values, especially when he told kids "I hope you'll all wash your hands a lot, and stay home from school when you don't feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter."

(Photo AFP)