Maddie n'a que sept mois, mais elle a des opinions bien arrêtées sur la question de la santé, si l'on se fie à John Shadegg, un représentant républicain d'Arizona qui a brandi ce bébé lors du débat à la Chambre des représentants sur la réforme proposée par les démocrates. Je cite la déclaration de Shadegg dans le texte suivie d'une vidéo :

"Maddie likes America because we have freedom here and Maddie believes in patient choice health care. She has come here to say she doesn't want government to take over health care. She wants to keep her plan.

"Maddie knows if this bill passes, she knows her mom's health care will go away and won't be around for five years. If the bill passes, then no more health care for her mom, because it has to change. Maddie wants patient choice. She doesn't want her mom's premiums to go up. . . .

"She wants America's health insurance companies to have to compete with each other. She believes in choices. But most of all, she says, 'Don't tax me to pay for health care that you guys want. If you want health care, pay for it yourself, because it's not fair to pass your health care bills on to me and my grandchildren.'"