Je viens de tomber, avec quelques jours de retard, sur cet article d'un journaliste sportif du Star-Telegram, quotidien de Forth Worth (Texas), qui a comparé les Jeux de Vancouver à ceux de Berlin en 1936 en raison du «chauvinisme atterrant» dont il dit avoir été le témoin affligé. Je cite deux extraits de son article dans le texte :

After a spirited torch relay ignited pride in every corner of the country, the Olympic Games began and quickly galvanized the nation.

Flags were everywhere. The country's national symbol hung from windows and was worn on nearly everyone's clothing.

Fervent crowds cheered every victory by the host nation.

But enough about the 1936 Berlin Olympics. (...)

Team Canada hockey jerseys became the uniform of the streets. Maple leafs were either hanging or on clothing everywhere.

One thing I never saw: a simple flag or shirt with the five Olympic rings. Not anywhere. After 15 Olympics, that was a first.

I didn't attend the '36 Olympics, but I've seen the pictures. Swastikas everywhere.

No political reference is meant, just an Olympic one.