Le général renégat Khattiya Sawasdiphol, accusé d'être le stratège militaire des «chemises rouges» antigouvernementales, a été blessé par balle à la tête en plein coeur de Bangkok durant une interview avec Thomas Fuller, un journaliste du New York Times, qui signe cet article sur cette affaire. La photo qui coiffe ce billet a été prise par Fuller quelques minutes avant la tentative d'assassinat du militaire. Je cite un extrait de l'article du Times dans le texte :

The general, Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 58, was struck in the head by a bullet during an interview with this reporter about 6:50 p.m. on the street in central Bangkok, near a park occupied by his hard-line followers. This reporter, who was facing the general and about two feet away, heard a loud bang not unlike a firecracker. The general fell to the ground, with his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to the hospital, screaming out the name his is commonly known by.

"Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!" protesters shouted amid growing panic.