Peggy Noonan, ex-rédactrice des discours de Ronald Reagan et de George Bush père, enterre aujourd'hui la présidence de Barack Obama dans cette chronique publiée dans les pages du Wall Street Journal. Permettez-moi d'en citer un extrait dans le texte :

I don't see how the president's position and popularity can survive the oil spill. This is his third political disaster in his first 18 months in office. And they were all, as they say, unforced errors, meaning they were shaped by the president's political judgment and instincts.

There was the tearing and unnecessary war over his health-care proposal and its cost. There was his day-to-day indifference to the views and hopes of the majority of voters regarding illegal immigration. And now the past almost 40 days of dodging and dithering in the face of an environmental calamity. I don't see how you politically survive this.

On trouve ici un compte rendu de la deuxième visite du président en Louisiane depuis le début de la marée noire dans le golfe du Mexique.

(Photo AP)