Au cas où sa première page ne serait pas assez claire, le New York Post publie aujourd'hui un éditorial exhortant le maire de New York Michael Bloomberg à mettre fin au campement de la place Zuccotti, siège du mouvement Occupy Wall Street depuis le 17 septembre. Je cite un extrait dans le texte de l'édito du Post :

What began as a credible protest against bank bailouts, crony capitalism and the like has, in large measure, been hijacked by crazies and criminals.

Beyond that, too many protesters demonstrate by their actions a level of contempt for residents, businesses and workers in the area that long ago crossed the line.

No one should have to put up with the incessant noise, filth and downright dangerous conditions the protesters have foisted upon lower Manhattan.

The drumming and tambourines.

The yelling and screaming.

The public urination and defecation.

The drugs.

The lewdness.

The criminals and their crimes.

It's all got to end.